
The Civil War by LearnCivilWarHistory.com

Civil War History and Stories…

“The histories of the Lost Cause are all written out by big bugs, generals and reknowned historians. Well, I had as much right as any man to write a history.”
–Sam Watkins (1839-1901), of Company H, 1st Tennessee of Nashville. Author of Co. Aytch: A Side Show of the Big Show.

“History must stay open, it is all humanity.”
— William Carlos Williams (1883-1963), American author and poet.

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
— George Santayana (1863-1952), philosopher and poet.

And He shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.
(Isaiah 2:4)

Why This Civil War Blog

I am a student of the Civil War since its centennial anniversary.

  • I enjoy learning new things about the Civil War.
  • I enjoy writing blog posts about the Civil War.
  • I don’t want the Civil War to be forgotten.
  • I believe there are lessons to be learned from the Civil War.
  • I want to help people Learn Civil War History.

The purpose of this blog is to help you Learn Civil War History. You are invited to read about a crucial time in the history of the United States: the Civil War.

There is something about America’s Civil War that captures and holds our interest, it is an amazing story.

The Civil War was a defining time in the history of the United States. Many of the hallowed battlefields of the Civil War are with us today, although the survivors who fought on those battlefields are now long gone from our presence. If you have been fortunate enough to stand on Little Round Top, at the Copse of Trees, or at The Angle (where Pickett’s Charge ended) at Gettysburg or in the Bloody Lane, in Dunker Church, or on Burnside’s Bridge at Antietam, or perhaps at any of the other Civil War battlefields spread across our country, then you know great and important events happened there. If you have not yet been to the hallowed grounds of the Civil War, then go! They are waiting for you to visit and learn.

Perhaps you have a relative who fought in the Civil War, or maybe in your own town (or even in your own backyard), men fought and died in a battle or minor skirmish. Maybe there is an old uniform, rifle, diary, letters, or other artifact from the Civil War stashed away in your attic in a family treasures locker. Some families are lucky enough to have Civil War stories passed along through the generations…originating from the voices of those who lived during the Civil War. The Civil War still is, and forever will be, a part of us. Let’s learn about the Civil War!

Learn Civil War History…this blog will tell the history and story of the Civil War.

As various anniversaries of the events and happenings of the Civil War occur, the people, battles, history, topics of interest, stories, and anything or everything about this crucial time in American history will be discussed in this blog. Anything that happens to capture my attention about the Civil War will be written about in the LearnCivilWarHistory.com blog. Whether you are a current-day Johnny Reb or Billy Yank, you should find something of interest here.

Learning about the Civil War is something you can spend a lifetime pursuing. It will be a rewarding and interesting experience whether you pursue it as a hobby, or as a study of serious research. There is always something new and fascinating to learn about the War Between the States! Indeed, even today there is new information being discovered about the Civil War.

About Me

Jonathan R. Allen, LearnCivilWarHistory.com blogger.

Jonathan R. Allen

I have designed, developed, and managed websites and/or blogs for my own use and for others. I have used the WordPress blogging platform and designed, and developed with it since 2004. I have used WordPress to blog about the Civil War since 2005. My skills include; WordPress blog development and customization, WordPress theme development and customization, Content Writing (blogs, websites, articles (I’m a Platinum Expert Author at EzineArticles.com.) XHTML/HTML, CSS, Search Engine Optimization, Internet Marketing, and WordPress blogging consultation and/or help. This LearnCivilWarHistory.com WordPress theme is a custom design of mine.

I’ve been a software developer and have successfully developed, marketed, and sold my own software online for over 15 years. My software includes health related databases, educational applications featuring multimedia and text-to-speech, and software for MS Office Automation.

Harriet "Hailey" Vardon

Harriet “Hailey” Vardon

Despite that Mark Twain said the game of golf was: “A good walk spolied.” I love the game of golf. I once played to a 3.6 USGA Handicap Index, but not anymore. When I’m not learning more about the Civil War, I love to play golf or practice the game whenever I have the time and opportunity. I wish I had more time and opportunity for golf, then I might be able to get that handicap back down in the single-digit range again!

I am a dog owner and lover. When I am not seated at my computer working on website development or LearnCivilWarHistory.com blog posts, or spending some rare time on golf, then there is a good chance I’m out taking Hailey on a long walk. She is named for Harry Vardon, a champion golfer of olden days who won The Open Championship a record six times.

Thank you for stopping by to read the Learn Civil War History Blog. I hope this blog begins or adds to, your learning about the Civil War.

Your Obedient Servant,

Jonathan R. Allen


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