305 Civil War Words and Terms

Learn Civil War History From Words and Terms Used In Civil War Times

305 Civil War Words and Terms

Available as a Kindle eBook or as a paperback.

Do you want to learn about the Civil War?

  • Would you like to know how the soldiers and citizens of Civil War times spoke?
  • What slang and phrases were used in the Civil War?
  • Would you like to know some of the unique military language used in the Civil War?

This book will help you learn more about the Civil War. The varied 305 Civil War words and terms and their explanations found in this book are informative and will add to your knowledge of the Civil War.

You don’t have to read it from cover to cover, instead you can thumb-through it and begin or end reading wherever you want. Each word or term is meant to stand alone, although some will add to or build on other words or terms. I meant to select words and terms that are interesting and cover a wide variety of topics.

There is lots of information in 305 Civil War Words and Terms. It is a hodge-podge potpourri collection of information. There is no overriding theme to the words or terms. You don’t know what word or term surprise might come up next! It is not a comprehensive history of the Civil War, but you will learn quite a lot about the many things, events, and people of the Civil War from these 305 words and terms and their explanations.

Each word or term is a nutshell of knowledge about the Civil War. This is not a dry textbook, instead it is a casual and lively book about the Civil War. Wherever you are in your learning journey about the Civil War, there is always more to learn. The Civil War is an immense subject. I believe it is estimated that over 65,000 books have been written about the Civil War. Some may know a great measure about it and be considered experts, but no one knows everything there is to know about the Civil War.

Civil War soldiers often had a unique sense of humor and came up with many funny and colorful words and terms.
Do you know if these are the true meanings of these Civil War words and terms?

  • Pook Turtles – Pook Turtles were turtles that soldiers drug out of rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds to use for a tasty soup while on campaign. Pook Turtles were a much appreciated substitute for army beef and pork.
  • Fire Eaters – Fire-Eaters were soldiers who put a flaming object into their mouth to entertain their buddies while in camp. They would trickily extinguish the flame before suffering burns. After the Civil War circus performers began performing the same act.
  • Chevaux-de-Frise – A hair style popular for Confederate soldiers from South Carolina that had spikes on top held in place by grease. They thought this made them appear taller and fiercer. It fell out of style because the grease was too messy.
  • Wide Awakes -The Wide Awakes were Yankee soldiers who were in constant fear of battle. They found it difficult to sleep at night.
  • In 305 Civil War Words and Terms you’ll learn if these words and terms meanings are correct..

Why learn about the Civil War?
The foundation of the United States was tested by fury and bloodshed during the Civil War. It was a war which ended slavery and preserved the United States as a union.

305 Civil War Words and Terms

How 305 Civil War Words and Terms Will Help You Learn About The Civil War
With this book I hope to help you learn more about the Civil War. The varied 305 Civil War words and terms and their explanations found in this book are informative and will add to your knowledge of the Civil War.

Maybe these 305 Civil War words and terms will tease you to learn more about a particular subject of a word or term and then dig deeper into the history behind it, such as Ironclads, the Border States, Prisoner of War camps, or whatever catches your fancy and desire to learn more. That would be a good thing. That’s what I’m hoping will happen as you read 305 Civil War Words and Terms.

305 Civil War Words and Terms will help you learn more about the Civil War. The varied 305 Civil War words and terms and their explanations found in this book are informative and will add to your knowledge of the Civil War. I added some humor too.

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