Study this amazing and crucial time in American history from the words of those who lived through and fought in the Civil War. Interesting notes and facts explain what happened during the Civil War. Read, print, or listen to the quotes, and notes and facts of the Civil War. This software speaks to you in a human-sounding voice and will read aloud the Civil War information to you. Pictures from the Civil War and three entire Civil War period books are included. Civil War Quotes, Notes, and Facts is an education in the Civil War. It has something for both the new Civil War buff, and for the seasoned student of the Civil War.
The Civil War is an interesting and compelling time in the history of the United States of America. Whether you are a new recruit learning about the Civil War or a veteran Civil War buff, Civil War Quotes, Notes, and Facts has something for you.
Using quotes, notes, and facts from the Civil War's military leaders, soldiers, officers, common every-day folks, politicians, abolitionists, slave-owners, and battles, this software will help you learn about the American Civil War.
Civil War scholars, buffs, and general readers, will appreciate the words of those who lived during the important Civil War era of United States history. Whether you are a current-day Yankee or Rebel, or live north or south of the Mason-Dixon line, Civil War Quotes, Notes, and Facts will bring you closer to the events, times, and people of America's Civil War. Learn about the Civil War, when brother fought against brother.
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Product ID number: 16170002 at BMT Micro (NELLA_WARE's order processing service). Price is $22.99 (USD).
Study this compelling and interesting time in American history from the words of those who lived through and fought in, the Civil War. The Civil War quotes, and notes and facts, can easily be added to your own documents. Use them for school papers, your own research, or business writing!
501 Civil War Quotes and 501 Civil War Notes and Facts are included. A total of 1002 Civil War quotes, notes, and facts!
Three entire books about the Civil War are included. These three books are a rich education about the Civil War...
The Civil War ended secession and kept the United States as an undivided union. Without the United States passing through the horrible crucible of the Civil War, this nation would never have become what it is now - the world leader of democracy and freedom. The United States would not have become the country which it is today if the institution of slavery had been allowed to continue. The Civil War ended slavery in the United States and kept this great country as an undivided union.
Order Civil War Books: Robert E. Lee along with Civil War Quotes, Notes, and Facts and save $10.00 off the total price of both software. Total Special Offer price is $25.98.
Order Civil War Books: Robert E. Lee with Civil War Quotes, Notes, and Facts
and save $10.00 off the total price.
Product Name: RELEE and CWQNF $10.00 Off Offer - Buy both and save $10.00.
Product ID number: 16170006
Your order will be processed by BMT Micro (NELLA_WARE's order processing service). Total price is $25.98 (USD) for Civil War Books: Robert E. Lee and Civil War Quotes, Notes, and Facts when bought together. This is a savings of $10.00 off the total price for both software of $35.98 when ordered separately.
Learn more about Civil War Books: Robert E. Lee...
Microsoft Agent® is used for Text-To-Speech technology in Civil War Quotes, Notes, and Facts. This software can talk and if you want it to, will read aloud the Civil War information.
Merlin, the Civil War Reading Wizard, is an animated character who
speaks to you in a human-sounding, but computer-generated voice.
Listen to the text of the Civil War quotes, notes and facts, and the
three period library books, as Merlin reads aloud to you. It's fun to
hear your computer come alive and speak in a human-sounding voice.
With Merlin doing all the work of reading aloud, all you have to do is sit back, listen, and enjoy. If you want, you can also follow along with Merlin's reading aloud by reading the Civil War text displayed on screen. Merlin's word bubble also displays what Merlin is currently reading aloud.
QUOTE - "The North can make a steam engine, locomotive or railway car; hardly a yard of cloth or a pair of shoes can you make. You are rushing into war with one of the most powerful, ingeniously mechanical and determined people on earth-right at your doors. You are bound to fail. Only in spirit and determination are you prepared for war. In all else you are totally unprepared, with a bad cause to start with."
The prophetic words of
William Tecumseh Sherman on December 24, 1860 after he learned of South
Carolina's secession. Sherman at the time, was superintendent of the
Louisiana State Military Academy.
QUOTE - "I can anticipate no greater calamity for the country than a dissolution of the Union. It would be an accumulation of all the evils we complain of, and I am willing to sacrifice anything but honor for its preservation."
Robert E. Lee, from a letter of January 23, 1861.
NOTE or FACT - Acoustic Shadow is a strange thing. It is a phenomenon where sound is unheard close to the cause of the sound, but the same sound is heard a far distance away from its source. The distance that the sound is heard may be great, even hundreds of miles away, yet only mere miles or closer nearby, the sounds are not heard. Battles where the Acoustic Shadow phenomenon occurred in the Civil War are Gettysburg, Seven Pines, Iuka, Fort Donelson, Five Forks, Perryville, and Chancellorsville. The guns you see in this picture are called Quaker Guns. These guns are fake, they are made of wood and were used to fool the enemy. These Quaker guns made no sound at all unless they fell to the ground.
QUOTE - "I am heartily tired of hearing what Lee is going to do. Some of you always seem to think he is suddenly going to turn a double somersault, and land on our rear and on both our flanks at the same time. Go back to your command, and try to think what we are going to do ourselves, instead of what Lee is going to do."
Union General Ulysses S. Grant.
NOTE or FACT - John Burns is "The Old Hero of Gettysburg." Burns was over 70 years old when he joined in fighting the Confederates with the 7th Wisconsin on the first day of battle. He also fought along with the 150th Pennsylvania and the Iron Brigade at Gettysburg. John Burns was captured at Gettysburg and the Confederates nearly hanged him because he was a combatant out of uniform. While a younger man, Burns had fought in the War of 1812, the Seminole wars, and in the Mexican War. Burns was injured three times while fighting alongside the Union at Gettysburg. This is a picture of three Confederate prisoners who were captured at the Battle of Gettysburg.
QUOTE - "The time for compromise has now passed, and the South is determined to maintain her position, and make all who oppose her smell Southern powder and feel Southern steel."
Jefferson Davis, from his inaugural speech on February 16, 1861.
NOTE or FACT - Frederick Douglass was born a slave on a plantation in Tuckahoe, Maryland. As a slave he was given the name of Frederick Bailey. When Douglass was seven-years-old he was sent to become a houseboy in Baltimore. His mistress taught him to read and write until her husband stopped this. Douglass knew that "the pathway from slavery to freedom" was education and he continued to teach himself. When he was twenty one-years-old Douglass escaped to the North by posing as a sailor. At this time he began to use Douglass as his last name. Frederick Douglass was the nation's most prominent black spokesman. He was very popular on the lecture circuit. This was an age of oratory, and Douglass was one of the greatest of the orators. During the Civil War Douglass lobbied President Abraham Lincoln to make emancipation of the slaves a goal.
QUOTE - "With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves, and with all nations."
Abraham Lincoln, from his second inaugural address. March 4, 1865.
Order Civil War Quotes, Notes, and Facts v1.0.
Product ID number: 16170002 at BMT Micro (NELLA_WARE's order processing service). Price is $22.99 (USD).
Cwqnf10.exe is the name of the file you will download. Its size is 9.9MB.
Is software you used with past Windows versions not working in a newer Windows version? If you are having trouble running NELLA_WARE's software (or any Windows software) on your version of Windows, then please visit the linked-to Microsoft web page for help.
Please note that NELLA_WARE's software will run on Windows XP, this information may help you at the Microsoft link.
If you are having trouble getting Microsoft Agent to work on Windows 7, then this linked-to Microsoft web page has important information that will help get Microsoft Agent working.
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The blog is a sister website of and is a great place to read and learn about America's Civil War.